Top 40 Hacking Tips

1) Learning scripting languages such as Python, Perl and ruby can help you automate your tasks and for sure improve your skills.

2) Understanding all possible user inputs is the fastest way to hack into the systems.

3) When u gain access to an account or whatever u hacking into, best practice do not alter anything. just monitor the activity and continue fetching information u need.

4) Travel and see different countries, it will make you better.

5) Never hesitate for usage of Google and other resources available i.e. exploit-db, and be updated with versions and bugs in each versions, for example, if I talk about WordPress, then one who is looking to hack WordPress website or pentest, then he should be well aware of at least 3.0+ versions updating, so whichever version is being used on the website, he should know the vulnerabilities in that and their exploitation.

6) RTFM, don't expect handouts. Educated questions, gets you educated answers.

7) Move to Linux, learn Programming Languages C, Pearl, Lisp, Java and Html and write open source programs. Improve your functional English.

8) The most important factor for becoming a good hacker is, you must have your personal interest with computers. Additionally, you have to be definite in your work, such that you should take exactly interest in One thing at a single time. After covering the appropriate level of theory, the learner should try it practically as much as his satisfaction level. Watching Tutorials only for taking points, not really for following them from a to z exactly, because you have to be a good learner only if you have your personal intention for doing the things creatively.

9) One thing , Learn how old Hackers Started don't focus on new Programs like BACKTRACK METASPLOIT , Learn Manual Hacking , Learn Coding and be patient ! Knowledge will come with time ! and practice all methods.

10) Do not rely on tricks for hacking. As they will keep you a script kiddie, get deep understanding about stuffs. And also don't rush from one topic to another. All those combined will make you a better hacker. "Slow and Steady wins the race".

11) A support will always lift you up. Join groups, forums. Keep yourself updated with latest hacking news by reading blogs [Like this ], tweets etc.

12) Understand what programming language to use at what moment. You're time is valuable so don't waste it writing something that could have been done faster! (and understand the difference between a scripting language and a programming language, python for example is a programming language.

13) During hacking remain mentally intact and focus on your each step. During a step always remember your next steps and the way you have to link them. Dont always use old methods and tricks, try new one and use your own mind too. and remember one thing that there is no shortcut of Hacking, to became a hacker, you have to give your whole passion to hacking. "
Hacking is an Art, and Hacker is an Artist".

14) This Attitude should be there within "SWEAT MORE IN PRACTISE, SO YOU BLEED LESS IN WAR".

15) Whatever you're going to test,start it with a basic stuff. If you dont know any,start learning.

16) Enumeration is the key to pwnage, the more you enumerate the more attack surface you get.

17) Be patient! Learn different protocols and read the RFCs to understand how they work and if there are some "security by design" issues. After that you should try to understand the context you're in and therefore develop an exploit for this particular context.

18) Sleep less, read more. Learn & Think & Try & Fail & Never give up. Remember, "...imagination will take you everywhere".

19) Don't compete anyone, never think you are the best, just compete "the you in the past". There will always be a vulnerability waiting for being discovered, by someone who thinks different Understanding human logic makes things easier. "Hackers realize, kiddies memorize".

20) Learn your own systems inside out, before moving on to other systems. The better you know your own, the more capable you will find yourself when it comes time to make your system work for you.

21) To be a good hacker, you need have good social engineering skills. Try to understand your victim's mentality, it will give you the ability to guess his/her confidential information.

22) A great person had said "if i had 8 hours to chop down a tree, I'd spend 6 hours sharpening my axe". Apply this on yourself. Prepare yourself! Learn programming, networking, scripting and all, be passionate, motivate yourself then start hacking with your own ideas...You will surely win!.

23) Use your inner power to became a great hacker. Just keep reading.. The more you read..the more you understand things behind the scene.

24) A startup now can be just a pair of 22 year old guys. A company like that can move much more easily than one with 10 people, half of whom have kids.

25) Think of all the psychic energy expended in seeking a fundamental distinction between "algorithm" and "program".

26) If you don't have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over? ~Sunny Rockzzzz

27) Out in the field, any connection with home just makes you weaker. It reminds you that you were once civilized, soft; and that can get you killed faster than a bullet through the head.”

28) Most hackers are young because young people tend to be adaptable. As long as you remain adaptable, you can always be a good hacker.”

29) Be very careful. We suggest getting a book on HTML to avoid becoming a real legend in the hacker world. Putting up a web page before you know how to put up a web page is generally a very bad idea. The .gov sites are an exception.

30) We were addicted to hacking, more for the intellectual challenge, the curiosity, the seduction of adventure; not for stealing, or causing damage or writing computer viruses.

31) To be a good hacker you have to learn from yourself. Learn from books like "The basics of ethical hacking and pen testing" and "The web app hackers handbook-Ed.2". Once you learnt these books i promise you will be able to hack systems as well as web apps.

32) Try to see, feel and possibly touch everything that you learn, only then you will be confident about your attacks/defenses.

33) Adopt the mindset of a hacker.

34) You may not be there yet but with everyday practice you will be closer than yesterday.

35) Set of code has to be made by a hacker Don't get caught Learn the basic functionality of a system and network then explore their loop holes Every developer make mistake while developing identify the exploit and notify them to the develope.

36) Learn Russian. Every infosecurity geek should know Russian.

37) When you learn something in this field, always put it to good use .Defacing websites will not make you a better hacker, but, helping someone with their security might earn you a respect even higher than what a blackhat may get .

38) Learn how the technology you are trying to hack works inside and out before you try to hack it. It's much easier to find a way in if you understand exactly how and why the technology works.

39) Be consistent. If you want to learn, dedicate a certain amount of time every week to learning. Don't take breaks because you will forget things. When it comes to ethical hacking, you have to learn and understand certain things before you can move on to understanding something else. Building on top of itself.

40) Behind every successful Coder there an even more successful De-coder to understand that code -HackersAuthority

What is a Backdoor? Backdoors Fully Explained.

What is a Backdoor?
To put it more simply, if you have a Backdoor program installed on your computer, a remote user anywhere in the world can:
# Gain Access to Anything on your Computer
# Log Keystrokes on your Computer
# Capture Passwords
# Use your Computer to do Everything you Can do on your Computer
# Use your Computer to do Things you can’t do on Your Computer
# Transfer Files to and from Your Computer
# Launch Attacks on other Computer Systems
# Leave no Outward Trace that Anyone else Has Access to Your System.

How does a computer end up with a Backdoor program?
Backdoors are Similar to Trojan. They can come disguised as a component of a program. Often they are sent knowingly or unknowingly disguised as games, utilities, applications or other programs.
When the infected program is run, the backdoor will typically install itself within seconds. It will erase the original, and then may run a specific program. The user who has inadvertently installed the backdoor program will not notice anything wrong at all with the installation.

How Does a Backdoor affect my Computer?
Backdoors use very little memory or system resources, so a user will not notice any malfunctions within their system. Backdoors do not make any changes to a user’s computer other than to open it up so that a remote user can “see” into it.
However, a malicious user who can access your computer via a backdoor program can do all sorts of damage. They can read through all of the files you have stored on your computer, capturing sensitive financial or personal information. They can add or delete any files they choose – even erase your entire hard drive. They can also track all your movements online.

How do I know if my computer is infected?
The most common symptoms of an infection are things seeming to happen on your computer of their own accord. Programs will seem to open or close all by themselves. Your computer could reboot all by itself. Your mouse pointer might start moving around the screen without you controlling it.

How can I get rid of a Backdoor program?
The good new is that many backdoor programs are recognized by antivirus software. Keep your antivirus updated and run it often. Install a firewall and keep that updated regularly as well. Occasionally run online virus scans. They could pick up things that your installed antivirus software may have missed.
Software manufacturers like Microsoft are aware of backdoor programs and the damage they do. Periodically they will release “patches” that you can install on your system to help protect your computer from backdoors as well as other types of malicious attacks. Download these patches when they come out to help keep your computer running safely.

Stealing from phishers


Step 1 (Finding hosts)
Step 2 (Getting logs)
Step 3 (Other way to get logs)
Step 4 Check the quality
Step 5 Enjoy

Step 1

You need a list of hosters phishers use. Search for free hosts which allow php. In this tutorial I will be using malware-site.www( site down) , which is used a lot by phishers.

Step 2

Getting logs.
Choose a site from the list made in step one. Go to google and search for:
site:malware-site.www filetype:txt

Now the results will show .txt files on that hoster. Go through the results and you will find phishers soon. Open them and save them. Congratulations, you stole from a phisher!

Step 3

However most of the time the hoster will have shut down the phisher. There is a nice trick for this. Just use googles cache. I love the cache <3! Then save, and you stole from the phisher!

Step 4

You need to check the quality. For this you can randomly choose accounts and try them. But a better method are account checkers. You insert your list there and that program checks all of them for you. They are great. Just search for them, Let them check, and save the accounts that work.

Step 5

Now have fun.

Also if you find a phisher you should try:

etc You might get lucky! Just dont steal from our own member phishers! 

Hacking APK Files

Requires Android : 3.1 and up

APK Editor is a powerful tool that can edit/hack apk files to do lots of things for fun.

It can help us to do things like string localization, background image replacement, layout re-architecting, and even ad eliminating, permission removing, etc. What it can do depends on how you use it. However, to use it well, we need a little bit professional skills. Don't be afraid, some examples are given in the help page.
This is the pro version, compared to free version, here is some differences:
(1) No function limitation
(2) No ad

VPN Protocols

You don’t need to know how a VPN works to use a VPN. But if you’ve ever checked the settings in your app, you’ll see a tab called Protocol. Protocols are methods by which your device connects to secure servers. By default, VPN automatically uses the protocol best-suited to your network, but you can also choose one manually: PPTP, OpenVPN, L2TP/IPSec, or SSTP. Here’s a guide to what they mean and how they’re different:

What is PPTP?
PPTP, or Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol, is one of the oldest protocols for implementing a VPN. It’s been around since Windows 95. Out of all the protocols, PPTP is one of the most common, easiest to set up, and computationally fastest. It’s also easy to crack and offers virtually no security benefits.

PPTP is useful on slower devices like routers, when security is not an issue.

What is L2TP/IPSec?
L2TP stands for Layer 2 Tunnel Protocol, and by itself it doesn’t offer encryption. Because of this it is often paired with an encryption protocol called IPSec (Internet Protocol Security). Together they provide a level of security superior to PPTP but with the same ease of set-up.

What is SSTP?
SSTP, or Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol, is a Microsoft innovation. It’s extremely secure and can bypass some firewalls that L2TP can’t. SSTP is currently available only on Windows.

What is OpenVPN (with TCP/UDP)?
OpenVPN is a newer and more configurable protocol. UDP is generally faster but TCP has a greater chance of bypassing firewalls.

The best thing about OpenVPN is that it’s open source. “Open” may not sound like a good thing for a privacy tool, but it’s actually a huge advantage. If there are any security flaws in the code — and as yet none are known — they will be quickly identified by the open source community. Paired with a strong encryption algorithm, OpenVPN is the most secure VPN protocol available.

What Is Firewall [Internet Security]

[#] A Firewall acts like a guard, which can guard a corporate network by standing between the network and the outside world.

[#] A Firewall is a network security system designed to prevent unauthorized access to a private network from any other network. It works closely with a router program to determine if a packet should be forwarded to its destination. It also provides a proxy service that makes network requests on behalf of the users on a network.

[#] All Traffic between the network and the internet in either direction must pass through the firewall. The Firewall decides if the traffic can be allowed to flow, or weather it must be stopped from proceeding further.Technically, Therefore a firewall is a specialized version of a router. Apart from the basic routing functions and rules. a router can be configured to perform the firewall functionality with the help of additional software resources.


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